This is a short blog where you write down your dreams and goals. List them and never stop. Even better, set a five-minute timer where you write down everything you want to do. Everything you want to accomplish. Big or small, it doesn’t matter; the...

Take a few minutes out of your day to write a letter to yourself. But not just any letter. Nope. This is a letter a congratulations letter, or even better, a thank you letter. A letter where you applaud yourself for a significant achievement, goal,...

Do you have a dream of dreams? I think I used to say, “My dreams are…” but now I find myself saying, “My dream is…”. Even when I share my dream, I still have the urge to say dreams because there are several things I...

Not to be insensitive or anything, but this took a while for me to understand. However, I'm happy it did because it changed my perception of life and myself. Yesterday, I almost talked myself out of an opportunity because I didn't feel confident in myself. But...

Hi everyone! I know today's blog is a few days late, but I wish you a “Happy New Year”! I pray this year is full of love, abundance, and self-acceptance. I don’t know about you, but 2023 has been a rollercoaster. And towards the end...

I was listening to a sermon today about having faith in God when you're in the middle of a “storm.” When I'm stressed, overwhelmed, or frustrated, it’s not easy to have faith or turn to God, especially when my situation feels overpowering. However, talking to...