Fear of being seen as dumb

Some people are book-smart, and others are street-smart. A small percentage are both. I’ve been told that I’m more book-smart than street-smart. That opinion stings a bit because I care about being a genius, smart, and intelligent. I heard there is a difference between all three. Sometimes, I feel anxious about being stupid or dumb, saying silly things, and fearing people thinking I’m not intelligent. If I ask questions that I know that I can answer for myself or say things someone with a Magna Cum Laude degree normally wouldn’t say, then I’ll want to crawl under a rock and hide. I would question my intelligence and wonder if I’m smart as my degree showcases me. However, this isn’t fair and isn’t how one should depict, question, or see oneself. Because the truth is, even the smartest person in the room makes mistakes, no matter how experienced, wise, or old they are. Also, a person who isn’t a necessary genius doesn’t lack value in the world. Everyone has their gifts and purpose, makes mistakes, is still learning, and won’t know everything because the world is so big and life can be short.

So, I write this as a reminder to you and including myself. Don’t question your intelligence, and don’t question your worth, because your being here, with or without a degree, is meaningful and important more to life than you think. What you know about yourself and your experiences can be similar but isn’t the same as someone else; it’s unique to you.

As my uncle would say, you already have wisdom, so even if you hear something that’s different from your beliefs, that doesn’t diminish your wisdom. So, end this night with love and respect for your mind and spirit. You are smart, genius, and intelligent. It’s okay to ask stupid questions because the person next to you may not know the answer, and it takes courage to do so, laugh at your mistakes, and give yourself permission to say and do silly things because restricting yourself from being yourself hinders your growth as a person.

If this blog isn’t enough, scientists don’t know how many stars are combined in the universe.

ఇ – Yani

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